Zulbie Ahmed, modern-minded mayor of Ovchari, takes a strong stand against a modern mining company—she confronts the managers of Dundee Precious Metals and consistently votes against their plans.
Author and beekeeper Ismail Yakup says the Bulgarian government is ignoring the voice of the Krumovgrad community by supporting an open-pit gold mine that will pollute the soil, water, and air.
In the cafes of Krumovgrad, Bulgaria, young and old debate the proposed opening of a large open-pit gold mine by a Canadian company, a project that could increase jobs—but also contaminate the water.
Spurred by the rising worldwide demand for gold, a Canadian mining company, Dundee Precious Metals, and its Bulgarian subsidiary, Balkan Mineral & Mining, have made plans to open a big open-pit gold mine on the hill of Ada Tepe, near the town of Krumovgrad, in southeast Bulgaria.
Or, How My Love of Belarusian Tractors Got Me Arrested by the KGB
The Bulgarian government says gold mining will bring jobs and wealth to the impoverished town of Krumovgrad. But local residents fear the project might pollute their real treasure: water.
An ancient Romanian mining town is wary of losing its historical roots to a large-scale open pit mine.
Remus Cenusa is one of the last 40 residents in a Romanian village who is refusing a resettlement offer from Rosia Montana Gold Corporation. The beekeeper wants to remain under the buzz of his bees.
Eugen David, a farmer in Rosia Montana, refuses to sell out to corporate interests who want to build the world’s largest open-pit gold mine on his land.
In Romania, the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation plans to begin a large-scale mining operation. The operation will likely mean the end of the Transylvanian town that has occupied this site for two thousand years.