An interview with Dimiter Kenarov for WBEZ’s Worldview (Chicago Public Radio)
Interview for East-Central Europe Past and Present
Climate change is destroying Odessa’s famed Kuyalnik Estuary, where health tourists and war refugees live side by side.
Ukraine’s Priazovskii National Park epitomises the problems faced by the world’s natural areas. And that’s not to mention the war.
One man’s quest to honor the once-mighty Muslim Tatar state.
The angry pensioners of Simferopol would rather have Russian dictatorship than European democracy.
Edging to the brink of civil war, Crimea has turned into a geopolitical crisis, perhaps the gravest threat to peace in Europe since the end of the Cold War.
A year on, Dimiter Kenarov re-examines the shale gas bubble that fueled his investigation into hydraulic fracturing and sustainable energy resources, from Poland to Pennsylvania.
Every time I read about the crisis in the European Union, I think of the late Roman Empire.
Разговор по време на протест. Интервю за вестник “Култура” (In Bulgarian).