An interview for ABC 7 (01.02.2013)
For the past four months,, published by Pennsylvania-based Calkins Media (parent company of WWSB), and the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting have been investigating the international practice of natural gas extraction, Hydraulic Fracturing, commonly known as fracking.
Internationally, the series focuses on Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe and the issues surrounding the risks and rewards of gas drilling in that region. In the United States, the project examines controversies and conflicts in Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Featured in this joint project is the work of print journalist Dimiter Kenarov and video journalist Steve Sapienza.
“Shale gas has become something to everyone. In the last few years, no other energy topic has managed to garner so much global attention and generate so much controversy,” writes Kenarov. “Politicians, business people, economists, scientists, environmentalists, journalists, and citizens have all joined in the fray, each one with their own view on the subject. Some have called shale gas ‘a game changer’ and a path to energy independence and economic revival. Others have looked closely at the environmental dangers of hydraulic fracturing…and our continued dependence on fossil fuels.”
ABC 7 interviewed Dimiter Kenarov live Friday to discuss the project.