Behind enemy lines, the motley Tatar self-defense units of Crimea anxiously patrol a homeland they fear will be ripped from them once again.
The last stand of Crimea’s pro-Ukraine movement.
The angry pensioners of Simferopol would rather have Russian dictatorship than European democracy.
Минерална вода, която не би желал да пиеш, и басейни, в които, гарантирам, не би искал да плуваш.
A year on, Dimiter Kenarov re-examines the shale gas bubble that fueled his investigation into hydraulic fracturing and sustainable energy resources, from Poland to Pennsylvania.
Faced by a flood of Syrian refugees, the Bulgarian government has resorted to illegal internment.
Every time I read about the crisis in the European Union, I think of the late Roman Empire.
Фотографска изложба на Димитър Кенаров в галерия “Ластици” (in Bulgarian).
The development of shale gas could make Poland energy independent from Russia, but it has also started to erode basic civil liberties in the country.
Polish leaders think they’ve found a path to energy independence, but their high hopes could prove premature.