The lives of the citizens of Ajka were turned upside down October 4th, 2010 when the dam of an alumina plant reservoir collapsed, unleashing a flood of red alkaline sludge.
Life seems to have returned to the city, where just a few years ago the trees in the public parks were cut down for firewood and the Olympic ice rink was used as a makeshift morgue.
Yesterday I went to see Thievery Corp and Massive Attack playing at the Greek Theater in Berkeley.
Whether the Iraqi police force is ready or not, our combat troops will be home for Labor Day. Whether the country is stable or not, the war will end on schedule. A special investigative report.
“As the Iraqi security forces stand up, coalition forces can stand down,” George W. Bush said in 2005 with oracular brevity.
George W. Bush was a bad oracle.
Review of Blue River, Black Sea: A Journey Along the Danube Into the Heart of the New Europe. By Andrew Eames.
The titan arum or Amorphophallus titanum (from Ancient Greek amorphos, “without form, misshapen” + phallos, “penis”, and titan, “giant”) is a flowering plant with the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world.
As recently as 2005, Camp Bondsteel was purported to be a secret interrogation site for the American military. So why does predominantly Muslim Kosovo love it so much?
Taking cover from death, I live in a tomb. My CHU (Containerized Housing Unit) is tightly girded by twelve-foot-high concrete T-walls.
My Vietnamese name is Le Hoang Dung. My American name is Donald Lipscomb.